Roers & NDSU Sweepstakes Winner Announced

We’re excited to announce that Sunil is the winner of the Roers 2024 Caption This Photo Contest!

Out of dozens of entries, Sunil won us over with the caption “You’ve Found Your Place” to the image on the right.

Sunil is the winner of the $200 prize. Our team had the pleasure of meeting with Sunil and learning more about his future plans!

Caption Contest Winner, Sunil.

The winning caption: "You've Found Your Place."

Roers interview with Sunil.

How did you come up with the caption?

I was captivated by the imagery before me: the apartment
building with its welcoming message etched on the outer wall, and the majestic NDSU-dressed bison standing proudly nearby. They seemed to beckon, each in their own way, saying, ‘You’ve found your place.

What was your reaction when you found out you won?

When I found out I won, it was like a surge of
electricity coursing through me. To think that my words had struck a chord amidst the backdrop of such powerful symbols was both humbling and exhilarating.

What do you plan to do with your winnings?

With the winnings, I plan to delve deeper into my
creative pursuits, perhaps even visit the very scene that inspired my winning caption. It’s not just about the prize money; it’s about honoring the moment of inspiration and seizing the opportunities it brings.

Congratulations, Sunil!  We’re grateful to have the chance to support students at a local community partnership.

Roers is proud to be the Official Off Campus Housing Sponsor for NDSU Athletics. We have been a trusted source for premiere rental properties in the area.

  • The proximity to NDSU’s campus can’t be beat. Many of our properties are so close, you can save on gas and walk to class!
  • We know everyone has busy, unique lives, especially in college. From pet-friendly properties to study rooms and workout centers, our properties are inclusive for a variety of lifestyles.
  • Feeling secure in your home is one of the most important things to consider. We take pride in the secure entrance systems and safety features of our apartments, so you can stay at ease.
  • We offer everything from studio apartments to townhomes, so you’re guaranteed to find something that’s the perfect size for you!

Our properties in the NDSU area include SGC Apartments, The View on University, Bison Arms Apartments, Wisent Townhomes, and R&T Townhomes.

Learn more about renting with Roers and schedule a tour today.


Roers & Giving Hearts Day 2024

The winter months can seem long and dreary, but our hearts are full after Giving Hearts Day 2024! This annual fundraiser is always a highlight of the season at Roers.   

Giving Hearts Day 2024 was February 8th. The 24-hour event benefits hundreds of non-profits across North Dakota and Minnesota, and is a great way to support a cause you believe in. After accepting suggestions from employees, our Charitable Giving Committee voted to gift $100 each to the following charities: 

We also got into a competitive spirit and filled out our Super Bowl Squares board, with half the money raised going to three local organizations: 

Roers also purchased GHD gift cards to give to employees, who could use them to support a charity of their choice! Some employees even participated in our GHD video posted to Instagram & TikTok showcasing who our employees decided to give back to. 

 “At Roers, one of our core values is community. Giving Hearts Day is an opportunity to support and give back to the communities we serve,” says Heidi Knutson, VP of marketing, communications, and culture at Roers.    

 Reflecting on the experience, we’re grateful for the chance to support others, and for the fellowship and generosity of our team. 

Employee Picnic and All Company Meeting Recap – June 2022

employee picnic and all company meeting

It’s time to review the 2022 employee picnic and all company meeting we hosted June 23rd and 24th here in Fargo!

2022 Roers Employee Picnic Takes on Thunder Road!

Each summer, we host an employee picnic to get together our employees and their families from all over the state to enjoy an evening of food, fun and togetherness. This year was no different, but we did take a different approach than years past. Not only did our employees receive fun hats instead of our usual picnic tees, we decided to host this years’ employee picnic at Thunder Road in Fargo! 

Although the day was definitely a hot one, Thunder Road helped provide the entertainment. Our attendees were able to have fun on the go-karts and bumper cars, take a swing at the batting cages and mini golf course, and of course had access to the arcade games inside where it was nice and cool.

For food this year, Roers reached out and secured Twisted Spork. The local food truck vendor provided the option for a build your own burger, brats, and 3 different kinds of pizza for our employees and families to enjoy! They were able to set up right on site and stayed open to accommodate anyone who may have shown up a bit later in the evening.

Getting families together to experience an evening of fun and an opportunity for coworkers to socialize outside of the workplace is always so fun.

June All Company Meeting

Roers hosts an All Company Meeting once or twice a year. The meeting is a great way to get team members from all locations together in one place for an in-person update on all that’s going on within the company. This year, we hosted our summer meeting at the Clubhouse Hotel and Suites in Fargo with breakfast brought in by Porter Creek, located right next door. 

After enjoying some breakfast, we started the morning with our leadership team giving updates regarding each division of the company. We heard from our President and CEO, construction executives, CFO/COO regarding our property management, as well as a quick safety update and some HR reminders.  

The company update brought to light some new projects and development items that have been in progress behind the scenes that are going to be great for our community. Our construction team provided updates about projects that have recently been completed (ie. Medora Elevator, Pulver Hall, Touchmark at Harwood Grove), some projects that we are currently working on (ie. St Paul Newman Center), and the opportunity for projects in our near future located all over the state. The segment regarding property management highlighted the standings for our commercial and residential teams and recognized the great work happening within our property maintenance team as well. Our safety manager gave an update on where we are standing with incidents this year so far and HR talked about new hires that have joined our team as well as reminded everyone about a couple employee resources and incentives to take advantage of.

We finished the morning by having motivational speaker, Dawn Chisholm, come and speak to our team about the importance of safety in the workplace. It was a great presentation reminding us how a split second decision to not take the proper precautions can change our lives in the blink of an eye. 

Overall, we had a successful turnout and were able to hear about so many great things coming our way for the remainder of 2022! 

Roers is continuing to build success and stronger communities in everything we do!

2021 Employee Picnic & All Company Meeting Recap

Each year, Roers hosts an employee picnic to bring together our employees and their families. After a year without due to COVID-19, we were more excited than ever to have the opportunity to host this event again, this time at our corporate office in Fargo, North Dakota.

Most of our team and their families were in attendance for our employee picnic. There were various activities to enjoy such as crafts for the kids, dog agility and scent demonstrations, face painting, bingo and more. Pancheros catered and Sweet Treats Food Truck joined in on the fun and supplied frozen treats for our event. Our team enjoyed tacos and ice cream treats for the evening.

Dog agility and scent demonstrations were held by our Construction Contract Admin, Lois Eid, who does dog training in her free time. She brought three of her dogs to be a part of the show! An obstacle-like course was set up for her agility demonstration with two of her dogs. Later in the evening, Lois conducted a scent demonstration where various scents were placed under boxes and the dogs were to find them. All dogs found all scents! Lois has been an agility and obedience instructor for 22 years and is also an emeritus AKC obedience judge. (insert photo of her dogs).

Although out Bismarck team wasn’t able to join us due to a tight deadline on our large Missouri Slope project, they were able to celebrate on a smaller level out in western North Dakota. Project Manager, Dustin Fischer, worked hard to put together something special for those in the area. Employees from three different areas and their families were invited to Sertoma Park where they set up under one of the shelters for the evening. Cashwise Grocery provided the food and employees and families brought yard games, some played at the park, and all socialized for the night. We are glad all employees had the opportunity to enjoy an evening together with team members and their families.

Our All Company Meeting was one for the books! Twice a year, we get our company together for an overall update on what’s going on with Roers. For this meeting, we decided to change up the agenda for the day and we scheduled a bus tour highlighting a few of our recent and current projects in the FM area. We loaded up our team on two school busses and headed out around town to drive by some current and recently completed projects.

Here are the projects we visited:

The tour was eye opening for those who don’t typically see projects when they are in the works, and it was great for our employees who were from the western half of the state to come see what we are working on here in Fargo. We hope to host a similar event out west in the future.

Afterwards, everyone met back at the corporate office for a fun team building activity.

Following the activity, staff received a brief company update with President and CEO, Jim Roers and enjoyed lunch.

We are beyond grateful for the opportunity to get so many of our team members together for these events, especially after a year where we could only get together through Zoom or other technology methods.

We at Roers also wanted to say a HUGE thank you to Sheyenne High School’s National Honor Society members that helped us set up and tear down at our event. 

United Way of Dickinson: Fill the Bus!

In the month of August, Roers was able to partner with the United Way of Dickinson, iHeartMedia, and Devon Energy in an effort to “Fill the Bus”.

For many, back to school time is an exciting time. It’s that annual opportunity to get back into a routine, learn new things, and to see people and friends you may not have seen for the past few months. For others, it can be stressful in not knowing how you’ll get all the supplies needed for a successful start to the new school year. That’s where events like “Fill the Bus” come into play.

On August 17th, donations were collected at Roers Dickinson office. Any and all school related supplies were accepted – such as pencils, pens, paper, notebooks, folders, and so much more. The sponsors are thankful for the donations received and the United Way is looking forward to bring this event back next year to help local kids even more with their school supplies.

We are grateful for the community to show interest in events to help others!

Head to our News page to check out other things happening now at Roers.

Groundbreaking for St Paul Newman Center

The Groundbreaking Ceremony for the St. Paul Newman Center was held on Monday, June 24. Over 125 people were in attendance to celebrate this momentous occasion as the long awaited project begins. Special guests in attendance included Rev. James Cheney, Newman Center Pastor & Director; Dean Bresciani, NDSU President; Tim Mahoney, Fargo Mayor, Most Rev. John Folda, Bishop of the Fargo Diocese; Jim Roers, CEO of Roers and Larry Nygard, President of Roers Development.

In 1928, the first religious organization of the campus of North Dakota State University was established. The current facility was constructed in 1958, and has grown to serve thousands of students. With the growth of the NDSU campus and the thriving campus ministry of St. Paul’s Newman Center, there is a need to build a new facility to better serve the community. The groundbreaking of the new chapel and the student housing project, to begin at a later date, will serve the campus with the ever growing needs and continue to serve the community in a great capacity.

Website: St. Paul Newman Center 

Project Updates Here!

Countdown to Finals Giveaway

Spring is (finally) here which means a few things – you can put your winter jacket away (you may want to keep a hat and gloves handy though for those chilly mornings), the grass is finally turning  green and school is almost out for summer break.For college students, finals are taking place and a search for a place to live is a high priority. Not only can you choose an epic unit close to campus at one of our great properties in North Fargo, if you sign a lease by May 10 you can pick one of three awesome prizes. You and your roommates each receive a prize so your new place will be decked out in the latest techy gadgets. Choose from a Bose speaker, Google Home or airpods.Take a look at one of our properties today. Call 701-356-RENT to set up a showing!

Breakfast with Santa 2018

Roers had its’ 2nd Annual Breakfast with Santa this year. We created this event to try and include our employees and their families. We have the Annual Christmas Party every year, so we decided to hold this event the day after so our out-of-town staff and guests are able to attend!


It’s called Breakfast with Santa… so what would the event be without Santa?? The kids absolutely loved him.


Activity Stations

Along with getting to chat with Santa, we also had some games, activities, treats, and more! Guests were able to go through the office and play Christmas BINGO, create an ornament craft, decorate cookies, and write letters to Santa.



We had some amazing volunteers help us out with this event! We reached out to the Sheyenne High School’s National Honor Society for some volunteers, and they were great! We want to thank them for being so helpful & polite.

Overall, the event was a success! It’s so nice getting to not only connect and catch up with all of our employees, but their families & loved ones as well.

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!

Roers Christmas Party 2018

Tis the season! Roers had its 42nd Annual Christmas Party and it was a night filled with good company, good conversation, music, and jerseys!

Our past parties have been rather formal themed as far as a dress code. Last year we decided to do an ugly sweater theme and it was a big hit! A lot of people liked the casual dress code with less pressure to dress up. So we stuck with that for 2018. We still wanted to make it fun, so we chose the theme of jerseys/team spirit! We even had a 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winner for Most Team Spirit.

Social Hour

The party began with a social hour. This was a great time for everyone to catch up with employees they might not get to see or work with every day.



Dinner began and shortly after we started the employee recognition & awards. We recognized our employees who have been here for 5, 10, 15, 35, and 40 years! We also presented the Rookie of the Year Award, Building Success in the Office Award, Building Success in the Field Award, and the Community Service Award. It’s awesome to get to highlight our amazing employees and the hard work they do for Roers.

Jerseys vs. Trophies

This game is also something we’ve done in the past. To say it’s a hit is an understatement! Everyone loves it. Each guest gets a paddle. Jim flips a coin, everyone guesses what they think it’s going to land on. If you’re wrong you sit down. And we keep going until there’s one person standing! We did three games of it this year with prizes of a Great Wolf Lodge gift certificate, a Roomba, and an Apple Watch for the winners! Such a fun game.

Pie in the Face

Something else we did during the party was a little fundraiser for the United Way of Cass Clay. Our United Way committee collected money for a chance to pie Danielle or Scott, two of our leaders, in the face. Things got really messy really fast. But it was for a good cause, so it was worth it… right Danielle?


Dueling Pianos

This year’s entertainment was Dueling Pianos who put on a great show! A lot of us got up to dance… not something we get to do with our coworkers every day!

Most Team Spirit

Last but not least… we awarded our 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners of the Most Team Spirit with Scheels gift cards!

1st place was Lisa S. on the Dickinson Team! She was head to toe in Eagles gear.

2nd place was Matt N. on the Development Team and his wife Christine! They dressed up as “jersey cows”.

3rd place was Tyrone K. on the Construction Team. He was a referee!


Overall, the night was a success. We’re already planning for next year! Wishing you all a Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays from everyone at Roers!

Roers Halloween Party

One of the best parts of the Fall is Halloween! Getting dressed up in costumes, eating a little too much candy, the spooky decorations, and more. For the first time ever, Roers decided to throw a Halloween Party for our employees & their families.

We had an afternoon of Halloween games & crafts, cookie decorating, a photo booth, trick-or-treating through the Fargo Roers Office, and everyone was dressed up, of course! It was so great to get to see everyone’s families there and dressed up in their costumes.

Thanks to everyone who helped out with this event and everyone who came! We can’t wait for next year!

Check out the photos from the event:



Roers VIP Fan of the Game

This Fall Roers launched something pretty exciting! We partnered up with NDSU and created the Roers VIP Fan of the Game.

Each home Bison football game, anyone in the community has the opportunity to be the Roers VIP Fan of the Game. This means they win 2 home game tickets, 2 pregame sideline passes, and their photo taken by the big football helmet and posted on NDSU’s social media!

It has been such a fun season getting to connect with so many people throughout the community as we choose a different winner every home game. It has also been a blast getting to work with NDSU Athletics. They have been awesome.

Here are the winners we’ve had so far:

If YOU want to be the Roers VIP Fan of the Game, you still have two more chances this football season!


Go Bison!!!

2018 Chili Feed Kick Off

The countdown has begun! We have officially began preparing for this year’s Chili Feed for the United Way of Cass-Clay. This is one of our favorite events of the year. It is such a fun day giving back to the community and getting to work with some pretty awesome people. We recently had our kick off meeting, which is when we did the big goal reveal! This year we are aiming to raise $46,000! We are so confident in our committee, our companies, and our community. Last year’s Chili Feed was a total blast and we can’t wait to do it even bigger and better in 2018.

There are so many ways to get involved with the Chili Feed. If you’re interested in donating, sponsoring, being a chili chef, volunteering, or would just like a little more info, check out our website here:

If you want to learn more about the United Way of Cass-Clay and what they do for our community, click here:

Want to read more about Roers partnership with United Way Cass-Clay, you can read it here!