National Safety Month 2024

In the ever changing world of construction safety is the key to success. No matter how much money a project makes or how great it looks it is not successful if someone gets hurt. We are dedicated to sending everyone home safe and sound to their families each and every day. We strive every day to raise the bar a little higher so we can reach our ultimate goal of zero injuries.

We spoke with Safety Manager, Mack Buck, about the importance of safety within his various roles in life. This is what he had to say:

As an employee:

Employees who work in a safe environment are less likely to suffer from work-related health issues, like MSDs (Musculoskeletal Disorders), that can affect that person for the rest of their lives. No one wants to grow into the role of the grandpa who says, “Sorry buddy, I can’t play ‘cause I got a bum knee back in ’22.” Employees want to have a long, sustainable career without being interrupted by injuries from workplace hazards.

As a safety manager:

It is my professional responsibility to identify risks/hazards in the workplace and then implement safety measures to correct them. This aligns with my ethics and morals, and I’m also obliged to conform to safety regulations set by federal law and company policy. I also consider the company’s reputation and employees’ personal and professional development.

As a dad:

As a dad, I want to be a good role model for my kids; they do as they see. Of course, I let them enjoy exploring the world to learn and grow, but I have a deep-seated desire to ensure they’re doing so safely. As for my own safety, let’s just say I’d like to take care of them longer than they would have to take care of me.

As a part of National Safety Month, Roers took the opportunity for various educational activities for those in the field and in the office. 

Tailgate Tuesday: June 11th

OECS – Workplace Safety collaborated with ABC to bring us an on-site Tailgate Tuesday event. 

Field crew members and office members were both welcomed to our Metropolitan project site for lunch and a presentation of life-saving safety topics.

Annual Office Safety Training: June 18th

Annual training is required by OSHA for everyone employed and this was hosted during the month of June! Office employees all over the state tuned in via zoom and in person to go over current safety education and tips. 

3M Presentation: June 20th

Field staff and subcontractors were invited to the Metro jobsite once again, but this time to watch a presentation from 3M. This covered all things you need to know about fall protection. 

Check out 3M here!

All events have been so beneficial to keeping our employees informed about safety and how important it is. 

We asked our 2023 Safety Champion and Roers Superintendent, Broc Beyers to give us a quote about safety, and this is what he had to say: 

"Take your time and perform the task safely so you can spend time more time with your family."

I think this pretty much sums up what all of our field workers should have on their minds. We all take our safety at work for granted because we think we have to speed through every project. A accident does not only affect us but it affects the company and our family. Anytime I start a task, or have guys start a task, I take time to think and explain the best way to perform it safely and correct. Sometimes it feels like I ramble on about it but at the end of the day its my job to watch out for everyone on my site. Taking that extra minute before the work begins can make the difference between someone not getting to go home at the end of the day or them getting to go home every day for the next 30 years.

Roers Top Winter Maintenance Tips for Renters

Now that we are into the new year and the cold weather is truly here to stay, having your hope prepared for the winter months can be put into focus. To help with that our property management team has put together a list of their top priorities when it comes to staying safe in the winter time.

“Check Your Heat” – General Manager

During those long summer months running the heat is the last thing you want running in your apartment, but not using it for long can cause problems. Before it gets too cold, turn on the heat and make sure everything is running smoothly and that there are no weird smells. If something is wrong, make sure to contact maintenance and get it fixed as soon as possible.

This is also a good time to cover your outside air conditioning units. Covering your unit will help keep cold air out of your apartment. Most apartments provide a cover for your air conditioning units, so it is important to check with management before covering it yourself.

“Check Your Garage Door Opener” – Maintenance Technician

If you are lucky enough to have a garage stall you want to make sure you can get into it. Check your opener and make sure your door moves without any issues. If your door gets stuck or your opener is not working, contact maintenance so they can get it fixed for you.

Be sure to check within your garage is that your personal items are moved out of the way. Moving things around before it gets too cold will make it easier for you to find room for your vehicle.

“Move Your Outdoor Furniture Inside” – Property Ambassador

For those who have a balcony it is important to cover all your furniture or even bring it in for the winter season. Properly storing your belongs for the winter will maintain their quality and help them make it to next season.

While preparing your outdoor for winter it is also a good idea to do some work inside. During the winter you will spend most of your days curled up at home, so might as well make it a clean place to be. Bust out the cleaning supplies and get to work, vacuum carpets, dust those hard-to-reach places, and organize your home. These small acts will change your area and make it feel more like home.

“Make Sure Your Windows Are Closed” – Maintenance Technician

It is important to check your windows before it gets too cold. When checking your windows, look and make sure they are fully sealed and do not have a noticeable draft coming through them. Another thing you can do to prepare your windows for winter is to plastic seal your windows. Wrapping your windows helps with keeping the cold out. If you notice any issues with your windows or having problems fully closing the windows let management know.

For more winter maintenance tips check out this ARTICLE.

Looking for a new apartment? Check out all our listings HERE.

STEP Award

Roers has received a STEP award!The step program (Safety Training and Evaluation Process) award we received from ABC (Associated Builders and Contractors) is based on our safety programs and record. We received the Silver award this year with a goal of reaching gold within 3 years. The level received is based on the company’s prior 3 years of incident rate, days away from work, restricted or transfer rate and your experience modification rate.The photo above shows our awesome Safety Manager, Andrew, holding the award!
Congrats! Yay for safety!