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Turnover 2020: Covid Style

Turnover Pic 2

August is a busy month for Roers Property Management. It’s when our team gears up for hundreds of move-outs and move-ins… all within a few days. We call it Turnover!

Our Turnover looked and functioned a little different this year. Due to the pandemic, we had to make some tweaks and adjustments to how we usually operate.

Nonetheless, it was just as successful, just as crazy, and just as fun for our team!

2020 TURNS

During this year’s Turnover, our team did a total of 449 turns! That is a lot of moving out and moving in. Keep in mind, this is across all of our North Side Properties, including our newest addition, U32 Phase II, which opened in August of 2019. 

The RPM Team spends months planning and scheduling every move-out, maintenance visit, painter appointment, cleaning session, and move-in for every unit being turned.

We are so proud of all the hard work done during this time.


This year was the first year we were able to execute our VIP Checkout Experience! Moving out is never fun, so we had the thought to alleviate the stress for our residents and take care of everything that needs to be done for a checkout through the VIP Checkout Experience.


Like we mentioned, we had to make some major changes to how we’re used to doing our typical Turnover. We made sure each and every team member were wearing masks throughout the entire day, we switched to contactless move-outs and move-ins, and we became best friends with sanitizer.

We unfortunately could no longer hold an in-person orientation, which is when we show a short video going through the

residents’ lease and basically providing them all the information they need before they officially move in. However, we were able to send our Orientation Video out via email – and we even included a secret code word at the end for our residents to text to be entered to win free pizza for a year! Check out our lucky winner, Claire at SGC!

All in all, it was a great month for our team and our properties. Thank you to everyone who helped out and thank you to our awesome residents for renting with Roers!

Check out the video we put together of Turnover 2020 here: